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[post_date] => 2016-01-22 12:28:05
[post_date_gmt] => 2016-01-22 12:28:05
[post_content] => To me one of the most interesting aspects of the work started by Carolyn, Michael and Philip is the international appeal of their educational research. Regularly, at least once a month, we receive via social media or email an indication of how far reaching their ideas have become. Earlier this month Dominic Edwards shared his developing understanding of all things Cognitive Acceleration and how his efforts to impact the world of football training is bearing fruit. His latest thinking can be found on the website danabrahams.com and this post really does serve to highlight how the desire of Philip Adey to give teachers a theory is becoming a reality.
Most recently the work of our colleagues Mary Oliver and Grady Venville has been published. Please read this and get in touch to share your views on what they have been able to achieve with schools in Australia:
Oliver Venville RISE paper 2016
[post_title] => Bringing CASE in from the cold
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[ID] => 626
[post_author] => 11
[post_date] => 2016-01-22 12:28:05
[post_date_gmt] => 2016-01-22 12:28:05
[post_content] => To me one of the most interesting aspects of the work started by Carolyn, Michael and Philip is the international appeal of their educational research. Regularly, at least once a month, we receive via social media or email an indication of how far reaching their ideas have become. Earlier this month Dominic Edwards shared his developing understanding of all things Cognitive Acceleration and how his efforts to impact the world of football training is bearing fruit. His latest thinking can be found on the website danabrahams.com and this post really does serve to highlight how the desire of Philip Adey to give teachers a theory is becoming a reality.
Most recently the work of our colleagues Mary Oliver and Grady Venville has been published. Please read this and get in touch to share your views on what they have been able to achieve with schools in Australia:
Oliver Venville RISE paper 2016
[post_title] => Bringing CASE in from the cold
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[post_name] => bringing-case-in-from-the-cold
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[post_modified_gmt] => 2016-01-22 12:28:05
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[ID] => 626
[post_author] => 11
[post_date] => 2016-01-22 12:28:05
[post_date_gmt] => 2016-01-22 12:28:05
[post_content] => To me one of the most interesting aspects of the work started by Carolyn, Michael and Philip is the international appeal of their educational research. Regularly, at least once a month, we receive via social media or email an indication of how far reaching their ideas have become. Earlier this month Dominic Edwards shared his developing understanding of all things Cognitive Acceleration and how his efforts to impact the world of football training is bearing fruit. His latest thinking can be found on the website danabrahams.com and this post really does serve to highlight how the desire of Philip Adey to give teachers a theory is becoming a reality.
Most recently the work of our colleagues Mary Oliver and Grady Venville has been published. Please read this and get in touch to share your views on what they have been able to achieve with schools in Australia:
Oliver Venville RISE paper 2016
[post_title] => Bringing CASE in from the cold
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