Name |
Area of work for Let’s Think |
Work outside of Let’s Think |
Mike Askew |
TRUSTEE Mathematics education |
- Professor at three universities internationally: King’s College, London; Monash University, Melbourne; University of Witwatersand, Johannesburg
- A key research interest is in how primary pupils can reason about mathematics, not simply carry out procedures
Jeremy Hodgen |
- Professor of Mathematics Education at UCL Institute of Education
- Research: teaching and learning in mathematics at both primary and secondary, formative assessment, evaluation of interventions in large scale trials and RCTs, analysing large scale datasets, systematic reviews, the effects of grouping students, understanding low attainment, CAME
Martina Lecky |
TRUSTEE Secondary Science |
- Doctorate in Education in teachers’ professional development with the CASE methodology
- Experienced CASE practitioner trained at King’s College in 1990s by Philip Adey and Michael Shayer
- Executive headteacher – Vanguard Learning Trust
- Headteacher – Ruislip High School
- Currently studying for a masters in educational neuroscience, which she has been completing on a part-time
basis at Birkbeck University and University College London
Mary Oliver |
TRUSTEE Science Lead Tutor |
- Professor of Science Education, School of Education, University of Nottingham
- Research field: secondary analysis of large datasets, CASE, evaluation of interventions
- Doctoral and master’s level thesis supervision, teaching research integrity and ethics at doctoral level and teaching PGCEi;
- CASE support in schools through PD
- Led the intervention of CASE in Australia and worked with teachers across Australia, reported on this with Philip Adey, Grady Venville and others
- Mary has published extensively
Sarah Seleznyov |
TRUSTEE Maths Lead Tutor
Primary mathematics with a focus on Early Years and Key Stage 1 |
- Currently Associate Headteacher of School 360 Primary, an experimental school in London, Strategic Lead for Learning and Development for Big Education and a freelance consultant
- Associate Headteacher, Strategic Lead for Learning and Development, author and freelance consultant
- Director, Southwark Teaching School Alliance and formerly Programme Leader at UCL Institute of Education
- Research field: teacher professional development, particularly Japanese lesson study
- Has worked in London schools for over 25 years and is a PhD student who has published extensively on teacher professional development
- She has been a Deputy Head, a School Improvement Consultant and a Teaching School Director
- Before moving to Big Education, she worked at The London Centre for Leadership in Learning, UCL Institute of Education, where she designed and led a range of research-informed programmes for school leaders and teacher enquiry projects
Michael Walsh |
CHAIR OF TRUSTEES & co-developer of Let’s Think in English programme, English Lead Tutor
Primary and secondary English, ACTS |
- Project director for Futurezone, a voluntary collaborative of 19 schools in Islington aiming for excellence for children through: enhancing teaching and learning, developing inspiring leaders, collaboration between children and Innovative business management
- Lead Art Projects in partnership with English Heritage and poetry courses for schools in London
Alex Black |
Primary and secondary science. Research on LT effectiveness, ACTS |
- Biology teacher guidance, curriculum and lesson writing for Cambridge International and AP College Board curriculum
- Science consultant primary and secondary
- Theory of Knowledge consultant
David Bailey |
Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching; School Improvement Director in a multi-academy trust in the North East of England; and Director of Area Learning Partnership in London
Secondary science |
- Director of Research & Development at Carmel Education Trust, based in the North East of England
- Director of Carmel Research School, part of the Research School Network
- Led several large DfE & EEF-funded school improvement programmes
- Programme Director ‘Leadership Lite’, currently undergoing efficacy trial with Wellcome Trust/EEF
- Senior Facilitator for STEM Learning, supporting a number of Science Learning Partnerships at local, regional and national level
- Consultant supporting a large Multi-Academy Trust in science
- Governor at a Federation of Primary Schools
Leah Crawford |
English Subject Lead, and Chair of Let’s Think Professional Development Committee
Primary and secondary English
- Has worked with the Let’s Think in English team since 2013. As an LA Inspector/adviser, she worked on secondary and primary phase pilot projects in Hampshire where there is now a thriving network of schools
- Is now an independent consultant, speaker and author for Let’s Think in English, Opening Doors and her own company Thinktalk
Sarah Cunningham |
English |
- Headteacher of a primary school in Hampshire
- Let’s Think in English has been central to her teaching practice since her NQT year
- Passionate about the use of talk and social construction within learning
- The Let’s Think pedagogies and approaches are core to her leadership practices
Alan Edmiston |
Maths, Science, SEND and special schools; ACTS, school accreditation
Primary and secondary maths |
- 30 years of experience with Let’s Think Maths and Science. Professional Development Lead for STEM Learning, School Development lead for the NCETM. Editor of Equals – Maths Association SEND publication. Involved in SEND and special school leadership at a national level for NCETM and STEM Learning
- Maths/Science consultant across KS 1 – 3
- SEND support in maths and science
- SEND lead for the Solent Maths Hub
- Editor of Equals for the Math’s Association
- Stem Consultant for the Science Learning Partnerships
- Is a Consultant plus a Part-time PhD student at Brunel University
Rosemary Hafeez |
Associate Director School Standards and Performance, Achieving for Children (provides children’s services for Kingston and Richmond LAs)
Mathematics |
- Qualified teacher, with a degree in physics and a masters in mathematics education
- Teaching and school leadership experience has been in primary and secondary inner London schools. Worked at a strategic level in Croydon and Kingston local authorities, before joining Achieving for Children in 2014
- Executive headteacher for a large Kingston primary school during a challenging transition when delegated powers were removed Involved in national initiatives (developing mathematics tests for KS1, 2 and 3 at QCA) and London-wide initiatives (Making Good Progress and The Mayor’s London Schools Excellence Fund)
- Worked collaboratively with university colleagues on research programmes resulting in teacher resources (CAME and Let’s Think Maths) and has written materials for BEAM and been an Associate Trainer for NCETM
- Completed the NPQH and is an accredited School Improvement Partner for both secondary and primary schools
Dr Verity Jones |
Associate Professor of Education, University of West England, Bristol
Primary Education Geography |
- Specialising in primary education, Geography, and Education for Sustainable Development
- After 15 years as a primary teacher, Verity returned to education research at UWE, Bristol in 2018, where her focus is on pedagogies for social and environmental justice
Dr Helen Lewis |
Associate Professor; School Education Lead; Programme Director: PGCE Primary in the Department of Education and Childhood Studies at Swansea University
Primary Mathematics
- Background is in primary, initial and continuing teacher education, and she is also the Programme Director for the Primary Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
- Senior Lecturer, Swansea University School of Education
- Associate Early Education
- Inspector – Estyn
- Thinking Matters Hub member
- Research – eg metacognition/ wellbeing/ curriculum
- MA/PhD/ EdD supervision
- She has written widely in the field of thinking skills in education and how pupil wellbeing can be supported through interactions with animals
Lynda Maple |
Let’s Think Finance Officer and Subject leader for mathematics
Primary/lower secondary maths |
- Masters in Maths education
- Consultancy for individual schools
Tom Leigh |
Teacher and English Leader
Primary English |
- Has taught Let’s Think English for approximately 10 years
- Completed the Leading Let’s Think course presented to the Let’s Think English conference
- Participated in the Let’s Think Geography trial
Natasha Serret |
Science Lead Tutor
Primary Science, co-author of ‘Let’s Think Through Science’ (7 and 8), professional development in cognitive acceleration |
- Course leader: BA (Hons) Primary Education (QTS) Nottingham Trent University
Editor for the Association for Science Education (ASE) journal: Science Teacher Education
Research field: Enabling the pedagogical transformation of classroom teachers’ practice in formative assessment and cognition in science
Doctoral level thesis supervision
- Co-writer and tutor for primary and secondary courses
Veronica Stoodley |
Primary Phase English specialist
English |
- Been a teacher for 32 years, and a Headteacher for 19 years
- Wide range of experience working in schools that range from large urban, to small rural village schools
- Executive Headteacher of two large urban schools, one of which had a Notice to Improve when she arrived. This school was named as one of the 100 most improved schools in the country whilst there
Anna Sutton |
Deputy headteacher & maths lead of a two-form entry outstanding primary school in inner London for 32 years |
- Ran the Let’s Think/CAME programme in school for over 20 years
- Led Let’s Think internal and external training for teachers and teaching assistants
- The school featured in the Ofsted publication ‘Good practice in primary mathematics: evidence from 20 successful schools’, with a positive focus on Let’s Think and CAME lessons
- Worked alongside Mundher Adhami, piloting and editing new lessons
Stuart Twiss |
Let’s Think Chair of Finance and Project Manager for ACTS
Science and Mathematics and currently developing Geography as a subject
- Co-author of Let’s Think through Maths 6-9, Collaborator on ESRC funded RCPCM project
- An accredited CASE tutor since 1994 when leading the Dorset Science Advisory Team.
- Has been a teacher, head of department, Tutor in initial education at the University of Oxford, consultant to the British Council and UNRWA in Palestine and retired as the Chief Adviser for schools in Poole
- Formerly Chief Adviser of Schools in Poole and Head of School Improvement in Bournemouth
- Currently an education consultant and tutor on projects such as Thinking, Doing, Talking Science (EEF project)