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The Let’s Think Forum is a registered charity led by a group of academics, teachers and tutors. We work with teachers through professional development programmes and the provision of exemplar lessons in English, mathematics and science.

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Creating the readiness to think together at KS1

By Leah Crawford

When Let’s Think in English is introduced in a primary school, leaders and teachers often sense the potential to develop a whole school pedagogy based on the collective development of thought through challenge.  They see that Cognitive Acceleration (CA) grows from social, cultural classroom habits that create a dynamic fulfilment through learning together. If we […]

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A significant point in time…?

By David Bailey

Every now and again comes a point in time that leads to a significant change in direction in education. The forthcoming curriculum review by the Department for Education may just be one of those times.   The current national curriculum has been in place, largely unchanged, for just over 10 years and counting. This has […]

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The Let`s Think Forum Council partnered with a school in England and a two groups from Latvia and Finland and their…

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We have such highly effective programmes in Primary and early secondary (Middle School) in Science, English and Mat…

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The lets Think programmes have a wonderful track record of not only boosting student learning but also increasing t…

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